Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Soviets Weren't the Only Ones....

Above is a link to a German propaganda pamphlet used during World War One. The pamphlet was written as an address to African American soldiers, “To the colored soldiers of the U.S. army”, when they were deployed on the western front in Europe. As the site states, this pamphlet was designed to decrease morale among Black troops and was distributed across the front. The pamphlet points out, rather accurately, that the African Americans are second-class citizens in the United States. The propaganda also pointed out that African Americans were the victims of racial violence without any protection from the law.

This propaganda probably did little to help the awareness of African American troops of the discrimination that faced in the army – despite the distinction that African American units fought with during the war (think of the ‘Harlem Hellfighters’ of recent video game fame). But it is important to note that at this moment in 1917, as America entered the European “world” stage as a major political player for the first time, one of the first things that Germany’s propaganda attacked was America’s treatment of blacks. I think this really illustrates the ease with which America’s hypocrisy in democracy can be pointed out by the outside observer. This has been and will continue to be a strain on America’s reputation in world diplomacy. Recently the North Korean propaganda machine has been pointing to police brutality towards African Americans as proof that America is a flawed democracy.

However, the Germans were not so innocent as they claimed. A great part of the motivation for the war in the first place was a German desire to gain a larger colonial empire. Running this empire meant treading on the rights of Africans and other people in the colonies, and as we have learned the Germans and other European nations turned to American segregation and industrial education as a model. 

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