Friday, April 28, 2017

Racial Discrimination Suit vs. Fox 13 News

This post is particularly interested in grappling with the controversial racial discrimination suit that was filed against Fox 13 News earlier this week, citing racial inequality and harassment in the workplace.  Specifically focusing on two time Emmy-award winning anchor Kelly Wright, the anchor expressed through documentation that he wasn’t being allowed on Mr. O’Reilly’s show due to O’Reilly’s inability to conceivably value his voice as an African American on racial issues.  In an interview with his lawyer Doug Whigdor, when Mr. O’Reilly asked Mr. Wright to appear on his show to discuss the racial divide in Ferguson, Missouri,” he said,  “and [he] suggested showing “Beyond the Dream,” a series about positive stories about the African American community, Mr. O’Reilly refused because it showed blacks in too positive a light, declaring that he, Mr. O’Reilly, knew black America better than anyone.”  As the only Black male anchor on the station, his stance against the station is telling, it is without a doubt in my mind that Kelly Wright had to work very hard for his position at Fox 13 news.  As the only African American male, the odds of him landing his job were seemingly impossible despite his clear skill regarding his profession.  Thus, in no way do I believe he would put his profession in Jeopardy without the degradation of clear moral boundaries.  In the case of Mr. O’Reilly, I do believe his stance that African Americans should not be shown in a positive light really exemplifies his critically misinformed position.  What is really problematic is his overarching generalization of the “negative” black America which is an erroneous belief due the fact it one: creates a false stereotype and secondly that it justifies judicial injustice against a group of people.  This along with many of the other posts in the blog illustrates racial fallacies that are constructed by White America to categorize and conform a group of people.

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